Although hearing that a man has been sexually abused is distressing, sometimes this information can help a partner make sense of some of the behaviours they have been observing. A man will often try to find his own way to deal with the experience of sexual abuse, and will work hard to limit its impact on his life and relationships. There is no prescribed way that an experience of sexual abuse will impact on a man or on his relationships. The impact of sexual abuse on relationships Whether you or your partner was sexually abused or not, this will always be the case. A healthy relationship is therefore not about having no difficulties it is about having the skills, time and energy to work things out and grow together. Relationships where one or both parties have experienced childhood sexual abuse or sexual assault are no different. They benefit from partners talking, sharing interests and working together to address difficulties as they arise. A relationship can be a place of intense joy and pleasure, and at times can produce considerable heartache and distress. Before discussing some of the ways sexual abuse can impact men and their relationships, it is important to acknowledge that all relationships require time, effort and commitment – from both parties – to be successful.